Lone Star have recently submitted a planning application for the erection of up to 16 Local Needs Dwellings and associated infrastructure (all matters reserved except access) on land to the north east of Banbury Road, Gaydon.
The site measures approximately 0.81 hectares (2.00 acres) and adjoins the built-up area boundary of Gaydon, surrounded on both sides by existing development. It is not covered by any specific landscape, planning or other amenity designations, and is very simple in terms of is composition, with a series of hedgerows defining its northern, southern and western roadside boundaries.
The site is allocated as Reserve Housing Site (GAY.C) in the Regulation 18 version of the Site Allocations Plan (SAP) Preferred Options, which was produced in October 2020. This planning application proposes to meet the identified housing need as set out in Gaydon’s Housing Needs Survey (September 2020). Therefore, this scheme will meet the need by providing 16 Local Needs dwellings for households with a defined local connection to Gaydon Parish.
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