Lone Star Land are pleased to announce that an outline planning application has been submitted to the Council for the phased development of up to 18 self-build and custom housebuilding plots, formation of new vehicular accesses from Evesham Road and formation of infiltration basin to land West of Evesham Road, Salford Priors. The emerging Site Allocations Plan proposes the allocation of the application site for up to 24 self-build and custom housebuilding units, with delivery expected within what it defines as ‘phase 2’ which runs from 2021/22 to 2025/26.
The application proposes that all 18 plots on the site will be sold to Custom and/or Self- Builders who will be responsible for designing and building their own home, or commissioning a specialist custom-build developer to build a home in which they have input to the design and layout. Plot purchasers would be required to submit a Reserved Matters planning application to the Council for the construction of their home, in line with the parameters laid out in the plot passport relating to their plot and the overarching Design Code.
All 18 plots are to be exclusively marketed to those with a local connection to Stratford- on-Avon District for a period of time to be agreed with the Council through a Sales and Marketing Strategy secured by legal agreement.
The environmental benefits of the scheme resulting from purchasers constructing homes which conserve fuel and power in line with Part L of Building Regulations 2010, and which will include a range of measures such as low-carbon heating systems, renewable energy sources and better fabric standards. Also, the achievement of 10% biodiversity net gain will be achieved.
You can view a link to the planning application by following this link here:
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