Lone Star are pleased to confirm the submission of an outline application for the erection of up to 45 dwellings, providing a mix of house types, densities, and tenure. The scheme will provide 40% affordable housing, 12 self and custom build housing and associated infrastructure on a 4.05ha site off Leigh Sinton Road, Leigh Sinton.
The landscape-led scheme provides new green infrastructure to link into the wider green network and addresses views in and out of the Site. It provides new play areas for new and existing residents. The Illustrative Masterplan describes a high quality and locally distinctive new residential and mixed use offering with a number of benefits. This is a fantastic opportunity to create a legacy to support the continued growth of Leigh Sinton.
You can view the application by following this link here – https://plan.malvernhills.gov.uk/Planning/Display/21/01287/OUT
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