Lone Star are delighted to receive a delegated approval for a single self-build dwelling on Marston Road, Greatworth. This application was submitted in November 2021 and has taken just five months to receive a Decision Notice.
The site measures approximately 0.148 hectares and will deliver a single self-build dwelling to meet the need as demonstrated by the South Northamptonshire Self and Custom Build Register. The benefits of providing a Self and Custom Build (SCB) dwelling begins with providing freedom of design, more architectural housing diversity, better built and more sustainable homes. Therefore, self-build dwellings can provide wider benefits of affordable, greener and innovatively designed homes.
The Self Build & Custom House Building Act (S&CB) 2015 (as amended by the Housing & Planning Act 2016) provides the individual with the opportunity to have ‘primary input into the final design and layout’ in a mainly ‘de-risked’ environment. The ‘de-risked’ element arrives from the fact that the plot has already achieved outline planning consent for a self-build dwelling. Moreover, land availability is a key issue in the self and custom build sector, this is because land for building ones home on is becoming scarcer and more expensive. Therefore, by providing a single plot on this site, will help to begin address the demand for self and custom build as identified within the South Northamptonshire District.
The purchasers of this plot will then design and commission their own home through a Reserved Matters application. The design of the dwelling will be in accordance with the Design Code and Plot Passport for this application. The Plot Passport sets out the planning principles for the plot, setting out the permitted build area and proposed building line, the location of vehicular access and driveway and locations of front and rear gardens, as well as boundary treatments. The design code includes the design principles, materials, sustainability, and landscaping features that can be used on-site.
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