This Outline Planning Application is for the demolition of the existing office buildings and retention then conversion of Bordesley Hall into 3 self-contained apartments and the erection of up to 47 dwellings and associated works with all matters reserved for future consideration except access.
Bordesley Hall is a brownfield site, located in open countryside within the Green Belt and lies approximately 6km to the north of Redditch, approximately 3 km to the south of Alvechurch and 2km south-west of Rowney Green. The site extends to an area of approximately 5.1 hectares and comprises the original C18 country house known as Bordesley Hall together with numerous commercial and industrial units. There are also large areas of hardstanding currently laid out for parking.
The application number is 21/00684/HYB and is currently pending a decision. You can see the full application below.

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