An outline application has been submitted for the erection of up to 22 residential dwellings and associated infrastructure (all matters reserved except access)’, which is an allocated site located off Offenham Road, Evesham.
The site is located on the eastern side of the town and lies beyond the western side of Offenham Road approximately 250m to the north of the junction with Elm Road and to the north of Lichfield Avenue.The site extends to an area of approximately 0.96Ha and is bounded on all sides by existing residential development.
The application will compromise of 13 market dwellings and nine affordable. The affordable homes proposed in 40% of the total number of dwellings. It is intended that 25% of the affordable homes will be First Homes in line with the government policy, this would amount to two dwellings.
The application number is 21/01777/OUT and is currently pending a decision. A link to the application has been attached below.

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