Unanimous Approval for Lighthorne Application
Lone Star are very pleased to announce that the Planning Committee at Stratford District Council unanimously approved a housing proposal in the village of Lighthorne, despite having an Officer’s Recommendation for Refusal and a refusal for the same number of houses (by a different Agent) on the site by the same Committee in February 2017.
This odd set off circumstances were delivered through a very well presented application that professionally dealt head on with the previous Reasons for Refusal. The application hinged on the proposal’s landscape impact and whether the proposal sat within the confines of the existing settlement.
Lone Star managed the consultation process to great effect, with the Parish Council and the Ward Member attending the Committee meeting and both speaking up in support of the proposal.
The Planning Committee complemented Lone Star on the high quality and well presented application and this together with harnessing local support, provided Members with the rationale to unanimously approve the application.
Andy Wilkins, Managing Director of Lone Star, comments ‘that this underlines our belief that our approach to the planning process is the right approach and this is supported by Members who are familiar with our work. It is equally pleasing to have delivered a planning permission that makes so much difference to the landowner’s life’.
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