Project Overview
Having been selected as Promoter on land at Orchard Farm, Salford Priors, we decided upon a strategy to working with the newly formed NDP group, with a vision to deliver a scheme that would link the two halves of village together with a large village green. This will act as a focal point for the village, a destination for activities and and in creating this it would provide a new heart to Salford Priors.
View the neighbourhood plan 2015 – 2031
Cala Homes launched on Salford Priors with exciting news to come, keep up to date at: Cala Homes Website
Consultation Process Outcome
Having initially been part of a beauty parade of sites, Lone Star carried out several public consultation events and started to create a village green, crescent of development vision that would stand behind a large village green.
We worked tirelessly with the NDP through their process and to referendum in order to secure the delivery of this proposal that is the cornerstone of the ‘Salford 7’ NDP. A working party will be established as plans progress to ensure that the vision is realised.
The large central village green will be transferred to the parish council which will be used for a wide range of uses, determined by the community. In order to achieve the required vision of the NDP variation from SoADC mix policy was needed to encourage more families to move to Salford priors to help support the school as well as other local amenities and facilities.
Landowner Comments
Landowner Mycroft Perry comments ‘from day 1 having met Lone Star, I knew that I had found the perfect partner to bring forwards this land for development purposes. Lone Star could have adopted a more aggressive approach to planning but jointly, we decided to work with the community and to promote the site through the Neighbourhood Plan process.
Undoubtably this was the correct decision as the Neighbourhood Plan flew through the referendum process and this was followed by the Outline Application that was approved by Officers using their delegated powers to approve the proposal. During this determination process, we provided evidence to Officers about utilising their flexibility with the Mix Policy and as a result we were able to provide a scheme that will bring families to Salford Priors and in turn, support the school as well as the other local amenities and facilities’.
Following a marketing campaign, CALA Homes were selected as preferred developer for the site and 5 weeks following the receipt of planning permission we simultaneously exchanged and completed on the disposal of the land. The site benefits from an Outline Consent for up to 68 dwellings, this milestone marker the commencement of the development phase with the purchaser CALA Homes who are keen to submit their reserved matters application and aim to start on site at the start of 2019.