Lone Star Land have successfully negotiated planning permission for up to 40 dwellings in Pinvin with the Local Authority Wychavon District Council. This is despite the Local Authority having a 7.5+ years land supply.
The Landowners Agreement was signed just 15 months ago and the timescale from start to finish reflects well on the amount of positive local consultation that took place with this application. The site is identified in the SWDP as being allocated for 14 dwellings, however starting with a blank piece of paper, it soon became evident a bigger scheme could be delivered that would also see some tangible benefits for the local community.
After countless meeting with the Parish Council, neighbours and two public consultation events, the application was submitted in June 2016 and determined in November 2016. Local key stakeholders supported the application and the Parish Council attended the Planning Committee meeting to confirm their support to the proposals. Effective local key stakeholder consultation eliminates the need to utilise the Appeal process thus saving considerable time and expense in the process.
The Planning Committee commented positively on the proposals and the consultation process and voted 14-1 in favour of Supporting the Officer’s recommendation to grant Planning Permission.
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