Project Overview
Lone Star have applied for an outline application for 44 dwellings, including 18 affordable dwellings at Land to the North of Allen’s Hill (A44), Pinvin. The application site measures approximately 3.2ha (7.92 acres) gross and currently consists of an open parcel of arable land.
Adjoining the site is a parcel of land that was granted planning consent [20/02906/FUL] in May 2022 for Provision of Mushroom Growing facility with ancillary buildings. The application site will use the access road to be provided as part of the Mushroom Farm Development. The application developments is intended to facilitate the ability for a much needed residential provision in an infill site.
The site lies in a sustainable location adjacent to the defined development boundary of Pinvin and with a very close distance of Pershore and is well related to existing residential and soon to be commercial development. The site has a very good degree of accessibility to the extensive range of local facilities and services which can be accessed via a safe and suitable pedestrian and cycle routes.
Design has been at the forefront of the outline development proposals with careful consideration to deliver variations in the street scene that will be reinforced with elevational treatments of the units as part of any reserved matters application that will provide visual interest and avoid conformity. The site is not constrained by Green Belt, AONB, SSSI, Significant Gap, TPO, areas of high flood risk, designated heritage assets or local or national landscape designations. The scheme is presented on the basis that it fully addresses the context of the site and the surrounding area, and complies with national and local policies to achieve a scheme that is appropriate to its context, and which takes all of the available opportunities to improve the character and quality of the surrounding area, and the need for mixed tenure residential accommodation.