This application seeks outline planning permission for 34no. dwellings, including 12no. affordable dwellings, on Land at Hanson’s Farm, Shipston-on-Stour. The application site measures approximately 4.81 hectares (5.9 acres) gross and currently consists of a small area of scrubland and a large area of grazing land. There is an existing hedgerow dissecting the site between the scrubland to the north of the site and the grazing land to the south. There are also hedgerows around the periphery of the site with some specimen trees within them.
The application site is allocated for housing in the Neighbourhood Plan under Policy HSG5. Policy HSG5 identifies the site for between 25-30 dwellings to be released after 2021 if it is required to meet the housing requirements of the district. The site lies within the built-up-area-boundary for Shipston-on-Stour as shown in the Neighbourhood Plan. Overall, the application site is a suitable location for housing because it is in a sustainable location with direct links to Shipston-on-Stour and has been identified as a suitable site for development through allocation in the Neighbourhood Plan.