Project Overview
The site is situated on the north eastern side of the village of Okeford Fitzpaine and is accessed from Shillingstone lane. The site measures 2.86 hectares and is currently covered with 6 large disused chicken sheds on the lower ground to the north east. An area of hardstanding, formerly used as car park, exists in the central part of the site. The chicken sheds and parking area are not visible from Shillingstone Lane as they are set behind two planted bunds which screen the site from immediate views from the road other than through the access drive. An outline application has been submitted for up to 45 dwellings on a part brownfield site within the village settlement boundary of Okeford Fitzpaine in North Dorset. The proposal provides for significantly improved footpath connectivity in the immediate vicinity of the site through rationalisation and improvements to the complex footpath network that currently exists.
The Proposal
The proposals are for 45no 2,3 and 4 bedroom dwellings that will cater for a wide range of needs and requirements. Clearly the site’s very nature and location means that it has been a bad neighbour to the village not only through the previous use of the site but also through the heavy traffic and HGV movements that the site generates. The proposals were formed over many months and included significant consultation with local residents and received overwhelming support from local residents as the ideal village site for redevelopment. Application submitted for 45 dwellings (19/00771/OUT)

Consultation Process
The site has been the subject of a many rounds of local consultation with local residents, the Parish Council and the Neighbourhood Plan Group. The site was selected by over 80% of the local community as the correct location for the additional housing and growth to be accommodated. Unfortunately the Neighbourhood Plan process was de-railed by North Dorset’s 5 Year Land Supply Issues as speculative applications on sites not identified as being suitable for housing were submitted, however we persevered with the courage of our convictions and those of the local residents and received Officers Delegated Powers to grant planning permission.
Lone Star are delighted to have completed the sale of Shillingstone Poultry Farm, Shillingstone Lane, Okeford Fitzpaine to Hurst & Hurst. Lone Star Land had their Reserved Matters Application granted, with a Decision Notice issued on 12th May 2022.
The planning approval is for the erection of up to 45 dwellings on Shillingstone Poultry Farm with associated infrastructure and provision of a school drop off car park. Lone Star have received resounding support from locals throughout the planning process, as a result of this being the best site for re-development in the village.
The landowner is delighted with how swiftly and smoothly the planning process has been handled together with a very high level of communication and involvement provided to the landowner.