Lone Star Land are delighted to have finalised the sale at Leigh Sinton to Cotswold Oak.
The scheme will deliver up to 45 dwellings, providing a mix of house types, densities, and tenure. The scheme will also provide 40% affordable housing, 12 self and custom build dwellings and associated infrastructure on a 4.05ha site.
The landscape-led scheme provides new green infrastructure to link into the wider green network and addresses views in and out of the Site. It provides new play areas for new and existing residents, providing a high quality and locally distinctive new residential and mixed use offering with a number of benefits.
The original outline application was refused on the 16th December 2021, with the main issues being that the site lies outside Leigh Sinton’s development boundary, located within the Significant Gap and the Council’s 5 Year Housing Land Supply position. The Appeal was heard from the 10th May to 13th May 2022, the Inspector balanced the conflict with policy with the benefits of the proposed development. The provision of affordable housing and self and custom build (SCB) plots was given significant weight. The Inspector concluded that the harms would be significantly and demonstrably outweighed by the benefits in relation to this scheme. Therefore, a Decision Notice was issued on the 5th July 2022, concluding that the appeal is to be allowed.
You can view a link to the appeal decision by following this link here: Appeal Decision
Reserved Matters Planning layout – PDF
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