A full application for 10 dwellings has been submitted at North Crawley in Joint Partnership with Astrum Homes.
The application site extends to 0.56 ha forming a redundant residential dwelling, associated garden land and part of a larger agricultural field set within the northwest edge of the small village North Crawley. The land is bound by mature hedgerow to the north and east with the roadside frontage open to the residential dwelling and mature trees to the agricultural field. The views from the neighbouring properties and open countryside are largely obscured.
Following the successful referendum, held on 26 January 2023, the North Crawley Neighbourhood Plan (NHP) was formally made part of the Development Plan at the meeting of Full Council on 22nd February 2023. The application boundary, within the NHP, was allocated as two separate sites H4 and H5. As a result, both Lone Star and Astrum have collaborated to bring forward two allocated sites in a single comprehensive manner, which is responsive to local housing needs and with the new dwellings to be built to high environmental standards.
The scheme represents a sustainable form of development which is fully compliant with the Neighbourhood Plan allocation policies. In accordance with the Neighbourhood Plan site allocations, the proposal includes family homes of a mix of 3- and 4-bedroom properties offering new housing opportunities for families in the village. The exact housing mix within the application is set out in the table below. Overall, the scheme will deliver significant public benefits with the planning balance weighing in favour of the grant of planning permission.
You can access a link to the Planning Application here – https://publicaccess2.milton-keynes.gov.uk/online-applications/applicationDetails.do?keyVal=S6TZODKWGC800&activeTab=summary
You can see more from Astrum Homes here – https://www.astrumhomes.co.uk/